© 2025
Useful Information for Residents Sewer Public sewer is provided by the Millerstown Municipal Sewer Authority. For more information, call 589-3834. The service fee is $250.00 quarterly as of January 2024. Water Public water is provided by the Millerstown Borough Water Authority. For more information, call 589-3738. Quarterly service fee is $80 for the initial 7000 gallons and $5> for each 1000 gallons thereafter. Effective January 2024 Garbage & Miscellaneous Curbside garbage collection is provided every Thursday morning. Service fee is $68.00 quarterly as of January 2024. Shrub trimmings are picked up on Tuesdays by borough employees. Surcharge Fee is currently $15 as of January 2024 Total minimum charge per quarter for the above 3 combined services is $413.00. Cable TV Cable TV is provided by Comcast. For service or hookup information, call 1-800-COMCAST Electricity Electric service is provided by PPL Electric Utilities. For information contact customer service at 1-800-342-5775 Telephone & Internet Telephone and Internet service is provided by Brightspeed. For customer service call 1-800-366-8201 . ---------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Millerstown Borough, Pennsylvania. Here is some useful information concerning the Millerstown Borough. History Millerstown Borough is located on the eastern bank of the Juniata River, thirty-three miles west of the State Capital, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and is the oldest town in Perry County. This plot is scenically set in the rolling hills of northern Perry County at the junctions of U.S. 22/322 and PA. Rt. 17, has a land area of .86 square miles, with a 2000 census population of 679. The town features a large number of historic buildings, some of which date back to the 1700's. Once a thriving town during Canal Days, Millerstown now serves as a quiet residential community which was originally sold to David Miller on September 1, 1780, and in 1790, a patent was issued for the "laying out of the town," thus making Miller’s Town the first town to be plotted for sale in the territory at that time comprising Perry County. The canal site was the Main Street of town at this time. A former Governor of Pennsylvania, James A. Beaver, was from Millerstown. Millerstown Borough was incorporated February 12, 1849, and the first meeting of the Town Council was held April 14, 1849. Millerstown has had more "old stone houses" than any other town in the county, and many of them are still standing today as a beautiful monument to the quality of construction during those early years. The stone "hotel" building on the west side of the square was built by John Wood in 1800. During the digging of the canal, there were 17 hotels in town. Millerstown had sixty houses in 1825, and eighty in 1832. Millerstown’s population today is made up of many diversified personalities ever mindful of the past history of their "hometown." *The Millerstown Borough building is open Monday, Wednesday & Fridays, unless advertised or a holiday, from 9:00am – 1:00 pm for payment drop off or any questions. Any other times, please use the drop slot or leave a message and it will be returned on the next open business day. *Millerstown Borough Council meets the first Monday of the month, at 7:00 pm in council chambers, 44 North High Street, Millerstown, consult the newspaper or see the schedule at the office for changes. This is open to the public to bring up comments or questions. *The water, sewer, trash bills are a combined and sent out on a regular quarterly schedule except for the 2nd quarter which has the water quality report and you will receive by July 1st per DEP, these are due in 30 days. Quarterly Payment Schedule: Jan/Feb/Mar bills mailed 4/12 due 5/12 Mar/Apr/May bills mailed 7/1 due 8/12 Jul/Aug/Sep bills mailed 10/12 due 11/12 Oct/Nov/Dec bills mailed 1/12 due 2/12 The payments may be mailed in or a drop box is conveniently located at the borough office. There is a 10% late fee if received after the due date. *For 2024, the quarterly minimum charges are: $250 for sewer, $80 for water (for the first 7,000 gallons) & $68 for trash pickup, $15 line replacement program. The minimum quarterly bill is $413. Keep these rates down, read the enclosed flier about prohibiting grease and other chemicals flushed into the sewer system. *Trash pickup is on Wednesday night/Thursday mornings and does not require special bags. Please have it out the night before by 11pm. **The limit is 3 bags or cans per household weighing less than 45 lbs. If you exceed the weight or limit CCD WILL NOT PICK IT UP.** If extra bags are needed, you must purchase orange bags at local retailers for excess trash. The Borough has contracted with Cocolamus Creek Disposal as the hauler through 2024. This keeps the charges lower for everyone. Trash charge is a MANDATORY charge per household, regardless if you use the service. Please contact them directly with any questions concerning pick up of larger items. **They will not pick up any contractors trash (i.e.: brick, stone, shingles, tile, wood, carpet), grass, brush & limbs or furniture, mattresses & appliances, etc. unless you have made prior arrangements.***** * A voluntary recycling program through Cocolamus Creek Disposal was started in September 2010. Purchase a bag for $4.00 at the office, fill with accepted items, and no sorting! Pick up day is Tuesday from the dumpster located at the community park next to the red shed. ALL OTHER PICKUPS HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. *Millerstown Borough zoning, ordinances or meeting minutes can be viewed by appointment. Please use the Right To Know form located on the Borough website @ Also the yearly budget can be viewed as advertised. **Any building or improvements to your property (i.e.: sheds, fences, enclosed porches, garages, solar panels etc.) REQUIRE zoning & possibly building permits. The zoning permit can be acquired by contacting the zoning officer, Tim Reilly. The Uniform Construction Code is administered by Building Inspection Underwriters, located in New Bloomfield and you may apply for a building permit at their office after you have received a zoning permit. *The Borough has a tab on website to view important information and minutes of every meeting. The website is a source of events in the Borough, the Millerstown Park, as well as information concerning groups, schools etc. Please support our local Fire and EMS. Millerstown Volunteer Fire Department is always open to volunteers! As a firefighter, Ladies Auxiliary or at any event. Your donations are greatly appreciated. The fire department is 100% staffed by volunteers who spend countless hours of training and fundraising to serve the community. They have many fundraisers throughout the year including their famous Chicken BBQ’s, French Fries, homemade Kettle Soup and the annual Christmas In The Park on the first Saturday in December with many vendors, wine, gift ideas, food and much more. The subscription to the Millerstown Ambulance League is mailed in December for the following year and they can also be found on the website. This will save you money in case of an ambulance transport. Millerstown Borough Important Phone Numbers: Borough Council office 717-589-3738 or State Police Newport Barracks (Non-emergency) 717-567-3110 Millerstown Volunteer Fire Department & Ambulance 717-589-3131 Zoning Officer Tim Reilly 717-589-7263 or Cocolamus Creek Disposal 717-463-2381 Local tax collector Kim Savercool (through 2026) 717-589-3605 Phone service & DSL provider: Brightspeed Cable service & DSL provider: Comcast/Xfinity Electric service provider is PPL For More information, see websites:
© 2025
Useful Information for Residents Sewer Public sewer is provided by the Millerstown Municipal Sewer Authority. For more information, call 589-3834. The service fee is $250.00 quarterly as of January 2024. Water Public water is provided by the Millerstown Borough Water Authority. For more information, call 589-3738. Quarterly service fee is $80 for the initial 7000 gallons and $5> for each 1000 gallons thereafter. Effective January 2024 Garbage & Miscellaneous Curbside garbage collection is provided every Thursday morning. Service fee is $68.00 quarterly as of January 2024. Shrub trimmings are picked up on Tuesdays by borough employees. Surcharge Fee is currently $15 as of January 2024 Total minimum charge per quarter for the above 3 combined services is $413.00. Cable TV Cable TV is provided by Comcast. For service or hookup information, call 1-800-COMCAST Electricity Electric service is provided by PPL Electric Utilities. For information contact customer service at 1-800-342- 5775 Telephone & Internet Telephone and Internet service is provided by Brightspeed. For customer service call 1-800-366-8201 . ---------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Millerstown Borough, Pennsylvania. Here is some useful information concerning the Millerstown Borough. History Millerstown Borough is located on the eastern bank of the Juniata River, thirty-three miles west of the State Capital, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and is the oldest town in Perry County. This plot is scenically set in the rolling hills of northern Perry County at the junctions of U.S. 22/322 and PA. Rt. 17, has a land area of .86 square miles, with a 2000 census population of 679. The town features a large number of historic buildings, some of which date back to the 1700's. Once a thriving town during Canal Days, Millerstown now serves as a quiet residential community which was originally sold to David Miller on September 1, 1780, and in 1790, a patent was issued for the "laying out of the town," thus making Miller’s Town the first town to be plotted for sale in the territory at that time comprising Perry County. The canal site was the Main Street of town at this time. A former Governor of Pennsylvania, James A. Beaver, was from Millerstown. Millerstown Borough was incorporated February 12, 1849, and the first meeting of the Town Council was held April 14, 1849. Millerstown has had more "old stone houses" than any other town in the county, and many of them are still standing today as a beautiful monument to the quality of construction during those early years. The stone "hotel" building on the west side of the square was built by John Wood in 1800. During the digging of the canal, there were 17 hotels in town. Millerstown had sixty houses in 1825, and eighty in 1832. Millerstown’s population today is made up of many diversified personalities ever mindful of the past history of their "hometown." *The Millerstown Borough building is open Monday, Wednesday & Fridays, unless advertised or a holiday, from 9:00am – 1:00 pm for payment drop off or any questions. Any other times, please use the drop slot or leave a message and it will be returned on the next open business day. *Millerstown Borough Council meets the first Monday of the month, at 7:00 pm in council chambers, 44 North High Street, Millerstown, consult the newspaper or see the schedule at the office for changes. This is open to the public to bring up comments or questions. *The water, sewer, trash bills are a combined and sent out on a regular quarterly schedule except for the 2nd quarter which has the water quality report and you will receive by July 1st per DEP, these are due in 30 days. Quarterly Payment Schedule: Jan/Feb/Mar bills mailed 4/12 due 5/12 Mar/Apr/May bills mailed 7/1 due 8/12 Jul/Aug/Sep bills mailed 10/12 due 11/12 Oct/Nov/Dec bills mailed 1/12 due 2/12 The payments may be mailed in or a drop box is conveniently located at the borough office. There is a 10% late fee if received after the due date. *For 2024, the quarterly minimum charges are: $250 for sewer, $80 for water (for the first 7,000 gallons) & $68 for trash pickup, $15 line replacement program. The minimum quarterly bill is $413. Keep these rates down, read the enclosed flier about prohibiting grease and other chemicals flushed into the sewer system. *Trash pickup is on Wednesday night/Thursday mornings and does not require special bags. Please have it out the night before by 11pm. **The limit is 3 bags or cans per household weighing less than 45 lbs. If you exceed the weight or limit CCD WILL NOT PICK IT UP.** If extra bags are needed, you must purchase orange bags at local retailers for excess trash. The Borough has contracted with Cocolamus Creek Disposal as the hauler through 2024. This keeps the charges lower for everyone. Trash charge is a MANDATORY charge per household, regardless if you use the service. Please contact them directly with any questions concerning pick up of larger items. **They will not pick up any contractors trash (i.e.: brick, stone, shingles, tile, wood, carpet), grass, brush & limbs or furniture, mattresses & appliances, etc. unless you have made prior arrangements.***** * A voluntary recycling program through Cocolamus Creek Disposal was started in September 2010. Purchase a bag for $4.00 at the office, fill with accepted items, and no sorting! Pick up day is Tuesday from the dumpster located at the community park next to the red shed. ALL OTHER PICKUPS HAVE BEEN SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. *Millerstown Borough zoning, ordinances or meeting minutes can be viewed by appointment. Please use the Right To Know form located on the Borough website @ Also the yearly budget can be viewed as advertised. **Any building or improvements to your property (i.e.: sheds, fences, enclosed porches, garages, solar panels etc.) REQUIRE zoning & possibly building permits. The zoning permit can be acquired by contacting the zoning officer, Tim Reilly. The Uniform Construction Code is administered by Building Inspection Underwriters, located in New Bloomfield and you may apply for a building permit at their office after you have received a zoning permit. *The Borough has a tab on website to view important information and minutes of every meeting. The website is a source of events in the Borough, the Millerstown Park, as well as information concerning groups, schools etc. Please support our local Fire and EMS. Millerstown Volunteer Fire Department is always open to volunteers! As a firefighter, Ladies Auxiliary or at any event. Your donations are greatly appreciated. The fire department is 100% staffed by volunteers who spend countless hours of training and fundraising to serve the community. They have many fundraisers throughout the year including their famous Chicken BBQ’s, French Fries, homemade Kettle Soup and the annual Christmas In The Park on the first Saturday in December with many vendors, wine, gift ideas, food and much more. The subscription to the Millerstown Ambulance League is mailed in December for the following year and they can also be found on the website. This will save you money in case of an ambulance transport. Millerstown Borough Important Phone Numbers: Borough Council office 717-589-3738 or State Police Newport Barracks (Non-emergency) 717-567- 3110 Millerstown Volunteer Fire Department & Ambulance 717- 589-3131 Zoning Officer Tim Reilly 717-589-7263 or Cocolamus Creek Disposal 717-463-2381 Local tax collector Kim Savercool (through 2026) 717-589- 3605 Phone service & DSL provider: Brightspeed Cable service & DSL provider: Comcast/Xfinity Electric service provider is PPL For More information, see websites: